News & Resources

Announcing New Economy Week 2015

Oct 6, 2015 | News & Updates

Illustration by Jennifer Luxton for Yes! Magazine

We know that this system doesn’t work, especially for those on the margins of society. What sometimes feels less clear is what we can do about it.

That's part of why we’re thrilled to announce our third annual New Economy Week: From Austerity to Prosperity, happening this November 9-15. One year out from the next U.S. presidential election, the New Economy Coalition will invite more audiences to join a public conversation about the ideas that can transform society and build an economy where people and planet matter.

On each day of the week, we’re calling on some of the country’s sharpest writers, practitioners and community leaders to respond to five pressing challenges that stand between us and a livable world:

  • Day 1: Good Work and Opportunity for All
  • Day 2: Building an Economy Where #BlackLivesMatter
  • Day 3: Democracy Versus the 1%
  • Day 4: A People’s Climate Agenda
  • Day 5: Enough to Go Around

Each day, we’ll publish original content across the internet—from interviews and stories in traditional publications to Twitter chats and live YouTube panels. We’re also supporting events around the country, like a national symposium on unionized worker cooperatives in Cincinnati and a conference about democratic ownership of the sharing economy in NYC.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Organize an event
    Whether you’re in the middle of a campaign or just looking to start a conversation, events can be a great way to introduce your community to the New Economy, and amplify exciting work and ground-breaking ideas. See our New Economy Week Event Toolkit for more information on easy-to-plan events you can host in your own backyard, from speaking events to potlucks to film screenings. Put your event on the map today »
  2. Get creative (literally)
    The 99 Percent vs. the 1 Percent captured so clearly what’s wrong with this economy. But what are the slogans and images that will help us envision what’s next? We’re partnering with YES! Magazine to bring your ideas to life. Tell us your best ideas for what can galvanize the #NewEconomy by 10/14, and we’ll work with leading artists turn the top 2 submissions into full-page, full-color posters to be unveiled at the kick-off of New Economy Week. Go here to learn more and give us your best rallying cry for the New Economy »
  3. Spread the word
    One of the goals of New Economy Week is to expose more people to the powerful strategies of the New Economy movement. To accomplish that, we really need your help. We’re asking you to be ready to spread the word and to participate in as many events as you can! Share the news about New Economy Week on Twitter »

We hope you’ll join us this November to draw attention to the big ideas and concrete examples of real solutions. Together we can expand what’s possible, bringing us closer to a just, sustainable, and democratic world.



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