News & Resources

CommonBound Workshop Tracks

Dec 14, 2015 | News & Updates

We are no longer accepting proposals for workshop tracks. In March, we will begin soliciting proposals for workshops. Stay tuned!​

CommonBound 2016 will be a workshop-heavy conference organized around some core thematic tracks. Each track will be curated by a volunteer planning committee and framed around a challenge or opportunity standing between us and a just, sustainable, and democratic economy.

Our hope is that planning committees will either represent existing collaborations who can use the opportunity to advance their work, or that they will represent new alignments that could evolve into ongoing collaborations after the conference.

Tracks will be selected by NEC staff through an application process. NEC staff will evaluate and select proposals based on clear and transparent criteria.

After the tracks have been finalized, we’ll put out an open call for workshop proposals. Each proposal should specify which track (or tracks) it belongs in. Committees should do significant outreach for proposals and make a final set of recommendations to NEC staff. NEC staff will aim to honor the recommendations of the planning committees but will make final decisions on content and scheduling.

Each planning committee must have at least two coordinators, and no more than four. You are of course welcome to consult with a larger group and can choose to have the coordination of your track credited to individuals, organizations, and/or an established network of groups in the conference materials.

Committee members should be expected to commit several hours per week between January 2016 and July 2016. The volunteer work hours needed is variable and may be more like 2 hours per week earlier in the year and closer to 15 or 20 per committee in the final weeks leading up to CommonBound.

Each committee will be assigned an NEC staff member liaison to answer questions and provide support throughout the process.

We’re looking for tracks that:

  • are focused on creating deep systemic change toward justice, democracy, and sustainability.
  • advance connectivity and collaboration around common problems and opportunities within the New Economy movement.
  • are described with clear and direct language.
  • are engaging, accessible and skill-generating.
  • create room for a range of workshops including introductory sessions and advanced strategic conversations.
  • embody a commitment to sharing power and uprooting legacies of harm.
  • are submitted by teams of 2-4 people, with a strong preference for coordinators from multiple organizations working together.
  • include coordinators from NEC member organizations. Note that this is a preference and not a requirement. Coordinating teams unaffiliated with a member organization are still encouraged to propose a track.

Track Planning Committees are expected to:

  • develop the framing language for their track.
  • recruit participants and session presenters.
  • work with NEC to manage participant logistics.
  • do some fundraising to help get participants to CommonBound.
  • document their process and give feedback to NEC throughout.
  • review proposals and make a final recommendation of sessions.
  • Send at least one person to a planning meeting in Buffalo over the weekend of March 5-6. This is a requirement. NEC can cover travel and housing for one person.

NEC provides:

  • advice and support on programming and fundraising, as needed.
  • space for workshops.
  • a baseline of materials (markers, paper, projectors…)
  • some funding for presenter travel and housing
  • marketing/outreach support
  • free registration for members of the coordinating team



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