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Grounded in Place, Connected by NEC

Dec 22, 2015 | News & Updates

Dear friend,

The Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) is a member of NEC because we believe in building a more just and sustainable economy.

It’s what we’ve been doing in eastern Kentucky for 40 years, and it’s what so many organizations are doing in their places across the country. We believe that by coming together as a broad coalition through NEC, we can strengthen and grow our efforts to advance a just economic transition in America, Canada, and globally.

Please help make it possible with a gift to the New Economy Coalition this December.

In May, I was elected by my peers in the New Economy Coalition to join the NEC Board of Directors. As a Board member, I bring my voice and my experience—as a fifth-generation Perry Countian and a young woman from rural Central Appalachia who works on just transition in my place—to an international network.

As part of this network, l bring the perspective of a place that has been constantly in economic transition for the past 150 years to people organizing all across the country, many of whom I may never have met without NEC. I appreciate how the network makes intentional spaces to share stories and best practices from all of our work.

I have seen firsthand the power of NEC, and how it brings together people, groups and organizations from across the country to learn from, grow with and work with each other on just transition strategies that will ultimately benefit us all. We are far stronger together than we are apart.

I hope you will join me in supporting the New Economy Coalition today.

Warm regards,

Ivy Brashear
Mountain Association for Community Economic Development

P.S. If you donate in December, NEC staff will send you a beautiful new economy poster—no matter what you give!



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