News & Resources

New Economy Roundup: A Historic Time for Movement Leadership and Resistance

Sep 23, 2016 | New Economy Roundup

The past few weeks have been a historic time for movement leadership and resistance, from #NoDAPL to a nationwide strike by inmates to improve conditions in US prisons. Read about these struggles and the work that remains below.

In our resources section, take a look at the places across the country where energy democracy is taking hold. Plus: New York makes moves to help community land trusts, and a global gathering of local governments and solidarity economy leaders.

Stories From the Field

Prisoners Strike: Inmates are protesting working conditions and low-wages in a nation wide-labor strike. The protest is currently in its second week. Read more about why they're striking here.

Democratizing Energy: A new, democratic energy system is emerging in Santa Fe, New Mexico where advocates are working to topple a monopoly and shift to a greater reliance on renewables.

#NoDAPL: September 13 was a national day of action against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Crowds of thousands gathered in cities across the country in a show of Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. Here is a recap of some of those actions.

Solidarity Economies Abroad

A Gathering of Solidarity Economy Leaders: The Global Social Economy Forum in Montreal brought together more than 1300 people, 300 cities, and 40 mayors from around the world for a conference on how local governments can help promote the social and solidarity economy. Read the GSEF declaration here.

A delegation of NEC staff and members attended the conference and NEC staff returned inspired by ways cities around the world have created complex social economy ecosystems. Read their reportback from the conference here.

Zero Budget Farming: A grassroots peasant movement in India has helped over a hundred thousand people break the debt cycle with natural farming.

“Calling the border crossers, footsteps mourning lost homelands. Calling beautiful black men, beating hearts stilled by police bullets…Calling indigenous peoples, displaced in their own lands…We won’t stop calling until our voices rearrange the world into a place that looks like home, we will call. ”

— NoViolet Bulawayo, Declaration of Unity

Until We Are All Free

Resource: Until We Are All Free

Art and Culture for Racial Justice: Until We Are All free is a collaboration responding to the call from Black leaders for immigrant and refugee rights advocates to address racial justice and show up for Black lives by engaging in art and cultural strategy to build solidarity. Download their toolkits and sign their Declaration of Unity.

Resource: Mapping Energy Democracy

A new mapping project from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance shows what states best support energy democracy. Learn about communities taking control of their energy resources and help build the map.

Campaign: Fifty Million Worker-Owners by 2050

The Democracy Collaborative recently launched an initiative to turn 50 million workers into worker-owners by 2050. The 50 X 50 initiative is designed to facilitate the deep collaboration needed to make employee ownership— through structures like worker cooperatives, ESOPs, and other models— a major part of the U.S. economy.

2016 NEC Board Elections

The month of August kicked off with NEC board elections and we'd like to extend a warm welcome to new board members Julia Ho and Jordan Estevao!

Julia is the founder of Solidarity Economy St. Louis. During the Ferguson uprising in August 2014, she worked with Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) on campaigns for racial justice and municipal court reform.

Jordan is a Senior Strategist for People's Action. He has been an organizer for more than fifteen years, organizing campaigns to advance racial justice, community economic development, affordable housing, community benefit agreements, and immigrant rights in the United States and England.

12 New Members!

A warm welcome to our 12 new coalition members who joined NEC between June and September. Their work ranges from energy democracy, to faith based organizing, and the preservation of African American theater. Learn more about them here.

Movement News


Prison Strike:

More Reads:

Upcoming Events

Empower Kentucky

The Empower Kentucky Summit will be largest gathering ever of a diverse set of Kentuckians figuring out what it will take to bring about Kentucky's Bright Energy Future.September 30, 2016 to October 1, 2016

The Caring Economy Advocates Campaign

The Caring Economy Advocates Program is an online cohort-based program, now in its sixth year, that provides the certification, language, tools, and real-world experience you need to become a local ambassador of the Caring Economy movement. Thursdays from September 29 –  November 17

International Summit of Cooperatives

The International Summit of Cooperatives is one of the world's leading events for business development in the cooperative and mutual community. Quebec City. October 11-13

36th Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures

Award winning author, Wendell Berry, and The Land Institute's co-founder, Wes Jackson, will share the stage at the historic Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center in the heart of Great Barrington, Massachusetts. They will hold a conversation about the 50-Year Farm Bill, their work, and their long friendship and collaboration in support of rural communities. October 22

View all NEC member events on our website »



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