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New Economy Round Up: Mutual Aid, #PeoplesBailout, & a Just COVID-19 Recovery

Mar 26, 2020 | New Economy Roundup

This week we’re talking about confronting the coronavirus crisis with mutual aid and collective care, the People’s Bailout and demands for a Just COVID-19 Recovery, and where to report coronavirus-related racism and hate. Plus — in case you missed it, be sure to check out our COVID-19 solidarity statement and growing list of organizing resources.

Stories From the Field

Mutual aid networks boom: In the past few weeks, hundreds of mutual aid networks have been popping up across the country, introducing thousands (and potentially millions) to the values and possibilities of the solidarity economy. If you’re feeling powerless or socially isolated in the face of coronavirus, joining a mutual-aid network is a great way to build community resilience and practice collective care.

No income, no payments: Cities and states have begun to implement temporary mortgage, rent, debt, utility, and eviction freezes to provide relief during the COVID-19 crisis. These measures are a start, but are not yet enough to protect frontline communities. For more information on how to guarantee housing security in the wake of this crisis, see this bold set of national demands from NEC member organization People’s Action, as well as Right to the City’s call for decision-makers to protect our communities by cancelling rent, mortgage and utility payments and ensuring homes for all.

Economic relief for co-ops & small businesses: The third COVID-19 related stimulus package, which is expected to pass in the next few days, will expand the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) program to include worker cooperatives and waive the personal guarantee for disaster loans up to $200,000. NEC member organization the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives has put together this basic guidance on applying for an EIDL loan, and is advocating to turn these loans into grants.

Solidarity Economies Abroad

End COVID-19 Sanctions: US military sanctions are undermining coronavirus responses in Iran, Venezuela, and other countries, exacerbating the economic crisis, and causing unnecessary deaths. NEC member organization Codepink is amongst those leading the call to end these inhumane sanctions and demilitarize our economy to protect public health.

#FreeThemAll4PublicHealth: Around the world — from Iran to Germany to the U.S. to Sudan — governments are beginning to release incarcerated people to combat the spread of COVID-19. In Iran, for example, 85,000 prisoners were temporarily released last week, and 10,000 were pardoned.

Worker Strikes in Italy: In a strong show of solidarity, Italian factory workers are declaring that their lives and health are worth more than profits, as they continue to strike to demand that the government enact stronger coronavirus containment measures.

Demand a People’s Bailout

The time is NOW for #PeoplesBailout that takes care of all people, no exceptions. 500+ organizations, including NEC and many of our members, have signed on to demand that lawmakers put people over profits and provide immediate healthcare and economic relief to frontline workers and communities, while making a downpayment on a regenerative economy. ⁣Explore the full set of demands and contact your representatives.

Halt Utilities Shutoffs

Families losing their jobs to COVID-19 are also losing their power & water. 575+ groups (including NEC and members like the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, Democracy Collaborative, Beneficial State Foundation, Sustainable Economies Law Center and more) have called on governors to stop all the power and water shut-offs NOW, and invest in distributed energy for the future.

Movement News

Podcasts of the New Economy

On the latest episode of Intercepted, organizer Mariame Kaba discusses the realities the coronavirus pandemic presents for some of the most vulnerable people in our society — from poor and working families to prisoners and immigration detainees and beyond. Kaba discusses mutual aid actions taking place across the country, and why we need a People’s Bailout to confront this crisis.

Additional listens:

The Next System Podcast: Direct action, moms and a housing crisis

NEC on The Gram

Follow NEC on Instagram – @NewEconomyCoalition – Where we’re sharing art that urges us all to be louder, more vigilant, and in solidarity with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Report coronavirus-related racism and hate here.


New listings!
Director of Investment – Boston Ujima Project – Boston, MA
HR Manager (Part-time), Cooperative Development Institute – New England – April 6
Senior Operations Coordinator, Corporate Accountability – Boston, MA 
Various Positions, Project Equity – Multiple Locations
Communications and Media Coordinator, Democracy @ Work – New York, NY 

All jobs
Communications Coordinator, Northern Plains Resource Council – Billings, MT
Communication Director, The Laura Flanders Show – Brooklyn, NY
Development Manager, Real Food Challenge – Boston, MA or NYC
Director/Program Manager, Capital Strategies Program, Transform Finance – New York City
Education Team Coordinator Highlander Center – New Market, TN
Executive Director, Organisational Development – NEON – London – April 12
Director of Development, OPAL Environmental Justice – Portland, OR
Director of Movement Strategies, Demos – New York, NY
Director of Policy and Research, Demos – New York, NY
General Coordinator, Cooperative Economics Alliance of NYC – New York, NY 
Grant Writer, Demos – New York, NY
Innovation Network Manager, Climate Safe Lending, Green America – Washington D.C./Remote
Legal Apprentice, Sustainable Economies Law Center – Bay Area, CA 
Media Manager, Institute for Policy Studies – Washington, D.C.
Operations Manager, Institute for Local Self Reliance – Various Locations
Partnership Engagement Director, Green America – Washington D.C./Remote
Political Director, OPAL Environmental Justice – Portland, OR
Program Manager – Grow Grants, NE Grassroots Env. Fund – Newmarket, NH
Regional Gender Justice Leadership Cohort, Western States Center – Location Flexible – March 27
Senior Finance Manager, New Economy Organizers Network – London – March 29
Various Positions, FairBnb – Bologna, Italy
Various Positions, New Florida Majority – Miami/Jacksonville, FL
Various Positions, People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) Buffalo – Buffalo, NY
Web Developer, Foundation for Intentional Communities

Upcoming Events

Solutions Journalism: Covering the Coronavirus Outbreak 
Amid the coverage of the COVID-19 crisis, there’s an opportunity to tell compelling stories about what’s working to slow the spread of the disease, protect the most vulnerable, help those affected economically and more. Solutions Journalism Network is offering this training for reporters and newsrooms already familiar with the solutions journalism approach. (Today! March 27 – Online)

How to Stay Connected, Engaged, and HUMAN in Remote Collaboration!
Join this free webinar from NEC member org Round Sky Solutions to dive into concrete tools, somatic practices, and lean into community during this time. We’ll share meeting processes to make your video conferences and meetings participatory and efficient. You’ll learn tactics to clarify and align on your work together as things change around and within your team. AND, part of staying grounded during this time is incorporating both mind and body. (April 2 – Online)

Movement Podcasting Intensive Workshop
This practical, hands-on workshop covers many aspects of getting a podcast project off the ground, including idea-development, basic technical and production needs, field recording and studio recording, writing, and mixing audio. It is designed for people in social justice movement and activism with a variety of skill levels, but a clear idea for a project they want to work on whether it’s an oral history, an interview series, or even audio fiction. (Applications Due April 3 – Online)

Land 4 People Not Profit Day of Action
Homes For All is calling on renters, low-income homeowners, people without homes, and everyone that believes land use should benefit community members that need it most to take bold, creative, direct action. (April 7 – Nationwide)

Moving at the Speed of Trust: Disability Justice and Transformative Justice 
Join the Barnard Center for Research on Women for an online conversation with Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Elliott Fukui on the intersections of disability justice and transformative justice. (April 10 – Online)



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