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A Big Welcome To Our New Coalition Members!

Jul 15, 2015 | News & Updates

It's only mid-July, and NEC is already having a big summer. We're thrilled to announce that, since just the beginning of May, 9 new organizations have joined the New Economy Coalition. Here's a quick round-up of who they are, what they do, and why we're so excited to have them:

  • Beautiful Trouble
    • Gathering together some of the United States' most experienced (and mischievious) organizers, culture-makers and direct action afficianados, Beautiful Trouble is "a book, web toolbox and international network of artist-activist trainers whose mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective."
  • DreamCorps
    • Housing longtime coalition member Green For All, DreamCorps "supports campaigns and initiatives that empower the most vulnerable in our society…sit[ting] at the intersection of technology, entrepreneurship, ecology and social uplift." Working on issues of economic, racial and environmental justice, they incubate everything from hackathons to innovative public policy solutions to mass incarceration.
  • Earth Charter International
    • Forged from decades of cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration, the Earth Charter boasts the support of 6,000 governments and civil society organizations bound together by a shared commitment to "building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century" founded on principles of interdependence and shared responsibility.
  • Environment, Economics and Society Institute
    • The EESI transforms scientific analysis into a tool for environmental, economic and climate justice. Offering accessible, easily disseiminated studies to the individuals and organizations who need them most, they collaborate with experts in the fields to make their research available to the public and to "stakeholders who have an interest in policy decisions based on their commitment to the public good."
  • Fair World Project
    • Fair World Project (FWP) is an independent campaign of the Organic Consumers Association which seeks to protect the use of the term “fair trade” in the marketplace, expand markets for authentic fair trade, educate consumers about key issues in trade and agriculture, advocate for policies leading to a just economy, and facilitate collaborative relationships to create true system change.
  • Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network
    • Channeling the energy of the now-international movement for fossil fuel divestment, the DSN is building a new generation of young organizers for climate justice by supporting winning campaigns on the ground, and maintaining a fierce belief that "path to ecological sustainability requires a moral and material transformation in our relationships to land, labor and one another."
  • James and Grace Lee Boggs Center for Nurturing Community Leadership
    • Founded by the long-time Detroit scholar and organizer Grace Lee Boggs, the Boggs Center culls on the wisdom of longtime Motor City activists, artists and intellectuals–like Boggs and her late husband, James–to foster new ways of living, being, thinking and leading in the face of the challenges of the 21st century.
  • Maypop Collective for Climate and Economic Justice
    • ​Based in Philadelphia, PA, the 6 members of the Maypop Collective work to ground themselves in the vital importance of place-based organizing as they fight "for a just transition away from a fossil fuel economy of exploitation to community-centered, clean-energy economies that take care of people and ecosystems."
  • Mountain Association for Community Economic Development
    • Since its founding in 1976, MACED has worked toward the goal of "transforming the lives of people and places in need in Central Appalachia through sustainable development." Acting at the state and community level, MACED promotes vibrant, innovative alternative institutions while pushing for robust public policies that work for the people.
  • Solidarity Research Center
    • Sitting at the intersection of research and practice, the SRC is a worker-owned collective that develops strategies for building solidarity economies at strategic points of prouction. Working with everyone from the Industrial Workers of the World to participatory budgeters in Los Angeles, they engage in strategic on- and offline interventions to prefigure a better world.

Stay tuned here for more updates from around our ever-expanding Coalition throughout the summer! We'll be updating our blog regularly to announce and profile new members, report-back on important conferences and events, and share insights and analysis from across the new economy.



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