News & Updates
CommonBound Workshop Tracks

CommonBound Workshop Tracks

CommonBound will be a workshop-heavy conference organized around some core thematic tracks. Each track will be curated by a volunteer planning committee and framed around a challenge or opportunity standing between us and a just, sustainable, and democratic economy.

CommonBound Network Gatherings

CommonBound Network Gatherings

Network Gatherings are day-long gatherings that will be held on the first day (Friday, July 8) of CommonBound. They are proposed and organized by volunteers who want to bring a group of 20-100 people together to increase the capacity of our movements.

Announcing New Economy Week 2015

Announcing New Economy Week 2015

One year out from the next U.S. presidential election, the New Economy Coalition will invite more audiences to join a public conversation about the ideas that can transform society and build an economy where people and planet matter.

Add Your Voice to the Vision

Add Your Voice to the Vision

Working to build a new economy from the bottom up will require a lot of experimentation. Having a long-term vision can help make sure such new experiments open the door to even more transformative change in how the economy works.



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