You can donate to the Highlander general fund today.
Introducing NEC’s New Board Members!
Say hello to NEC’s newest Board members: Renee, Kate, Leslie and Chris!
#MakingWaves: Thank You
Our immense gratitude for hitting our goal is matched with a commitment to do our work the right way.
#MakingWaves: Staff Profile on Eli Feghali
Learn about NEC’s Communications Director and Interim Co-Director, Eli Feghali!
#MakingWaves: Higher Purpose Co. & Fund for Democratic Communities
Learn how NEC members are changing the current in the South!
We’re at 85%
85% of people hate their job, according to a 2017 Gallup Poll. That’s bad news for the current system and today’s leaders know it.
Raices Culturales: Cooking Up Racial Justice
In Whatcom County, in northern Washington state, Community to Community Development (C2C) organizes and builds community for food sovereignty and economic justice.
#MakingWaves: Staff Profile on René Pérez
“Technology can often replicate or reinforce capitalist structures. I see another way – a way to build equity and liberation into our digital infrastructure as we develop and use it for social change.”
What capitalism and kings have in common
What we’re trying to do seems downright impossible most days. The system is entrenched. Its “logic” is deep in our culture. A small number of individuals and groups hoard most of the power and the wealth, and use it against us.
Democracy is under attack.
In July, the Washington Post published a report claiming that one-third of the world’s population was living in a “backsliding democracy.”
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