News & Resources

New Economy Roundup: Net Neutrality, People’s Budget

Dec 23, 2017 | New Economy Roundup

In this week’s roundup, we’re talking about net neutrality, building a people’s budget in Chicago, and Puerto Rico after 100 days since Maria.

P.S. We’re counting down the days to 2018 and want to know what’s your #NewYearsRevolution? Make a video and tag us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter!

In the Field

Building a People’s Budget: Citizens of 10 Chicago wards decided on how to spend $7 million in public funds for the fifth consecutive year of participatory budgeting in Chicago. Participants voted on budgeting proposals like boosting public health, air monitors, protected bike lanes, and a Chicago black history museum for youth. Read more.

What’s Next for Net Neutrality: Despite public outcry from commissioners, politicians, and millions of Americans, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted last Thursday to repeal net neutrality. But the fight's not over yet. Here's what to look out for after Thursday's vote.

Local Booms, Corporate Pushes Back: It’s a familiar story. Independent business owners sink roots into a place, meet community needs, and foster neighborhood growth, and then, as the area becomes vibrant, chain stores sweep in to open their own locations. Read how one New Jersey city is taking steps to stop the cycle.

Solidarity After Maria: As Hurricane Maria laid bare Puerto Rico’s social, geographical, and economic disparities, community groups are pulling on new economy principles in recovery. One citizen and relief worker said: “We are doing this not through a lens of asistencialismo [charity work], but through a lens of community autogestión [self management] and collective empowerment.” Read more

If you’re in New York City on Friday, join 
Uprose at a demonstration marking 100 days since Maria.

Solidarity Economies Abroad

Community from the Ground Up: Helsinki is building a neighborhood from scratch. The new homes for 30,000 is being designed specifically with community in mind. How do city planners foster connection and sharing over isolation? Read about it here.

#WorldForTheMany: The UK’s Labour Party is looking for ideas to reshape its international development policy in terms of a new narrative and a new agenda. Send in feedback by January 7th here.

Build a New Economy in 2018

There are so many ways to be part of an economy that supports people and the planet over profits.

We at NEC are bringing together the communities, workers, organizers, and activists building that economy in the U.S. Please support us in continuing this work in 2018.

NEC creates a crucial space for builders of the new economy to connect, inspire, and learn from each other so that our movement can grow. We also:

  • Organize movement gatherings, like our national CommonBound conference

  • Give small, strategic grants to youth and frontline leaders who don’t have access to traditional funding streams

  • Coordinate working groups on specific issues and topics including groups on policy, rural electric co-op organizing, narrative strategy, and mentorship and peer support

  • Support journalists who want to cover the new economy through our reporting fellowship

  • And much more!

We need your help to make the new economy, the economy. Thank you for your support!

Movement News

Job Board

Cooperative Developer, Center for Family Life (Brooklyn)
Coalition Organizer, New Economy Project (NYC)
Multiple Positions, Institute of Policy Studies (Washington D.C.)
Editorial Director, Next City (Philadelphia, PA)
Advocacy Center Director, Conservation Law Foundation (Massachusetts)
Communications Associate, Conservation Law Fund (Boston, MA)
Worker Co-op Developer and Development Coordinator, Green Worker Cooperatives (New

Upcoming Events

Intelligent Mischief: Creating a Culture of Black Liberation

We’ll talk about imagining radical utopias through surfing the margins of culture with Terry Marshall. Terry has been involved in social justice movements for over 20 years and founded Intelligent Mischief in 2013. He’s a superstar facilitator and brilliant cultural strategist. Prior to Intelligent Mischief he founded Streets is Watching and the Hip Hop Media Lab. He is an affiliate trainer and consultant for the Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS), a Beautiful Trouble trainer, co-founder of The BlackOut Collective and sits on our Board of Directors! (Online, December 29)

People's State of the Union

In January of most years, the President delivers a State of the Union Address highlighting the past year and suggesting priorities for the coming year. It’s a broadcast from one to many. But democracy is a conversation, not a monologue. Understanding the state of our union takes We the People reflecting in our own communities on our challenges and opportunities locally, nationally, and globally. The People’s State of the Union from US Department of Arts & Culturehas two main parts: Story Circles across the nation, and a collaboratively composed Poetic Address to the Nation (Multiple Locations, January 25 – February 4)

New Economy Summit: Building A Resilient Social Venture Ecosystem

The event will convene social entrepreneurs, social change practitioners, educational institutions, students, the business community, and others who share the goal of creating a just, equitable, and sustainable world. This day-long event will serve as a powerful forum for making and strengthening connections, as well as building ongoing collaboration. Attendees will identify common challenges faced by local start-ups and brainstorm opportunities and next steps to resolve these and other challenges. (Worcester, MA, January 26)

Innovations in Participatory Democracy Conference

The Innovations in Participatory Democracy Conference will bring together more than 250 community leaders, government officials and staff, practitioners, researchers, funders, young leaders, and technologists to explore innovations that empower community members to make real decisions and directly participate in government. Presented by the Center for the Future of Arizona, the Jefferson Center, the Katal Center, the Participatory Budgeting Project, the Participatory Governance Initiative at Arizona State University, Phoenix Union High School District, and the Policy Jury Group. (Phoenix, AZ, March 8)

View all NEC member events on our website »



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