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New Year’s Revolution #7: Courage, Creativity, and Hope

Dec 23, 2017 | News & Updates

I’m an organizer at New Economy Coalition. Over the past four years, my work has focused on moving resources to support youth and frontline organizing for more just, democratic, and sustainable economies.

My new year’s revolution for 2018 is to see us cultivate courage, creativity, and hope in everything that we do. Please consider supporting me, and the NEC network, to make my revolution reality.  

Courage: We are facing many challenges, but by building together we give each other the courage to heal and thrive when we’ve suffered and struggled. Every day I am inspired by all of the NEC member organizations who have the audacity to challenge systems of greed and violence by creating more just forms of energy, food, education, exchange, and self-governance.

Creativity: My work at NEC began as a youth organizer. The young people I have worked with are some of the most brilliant and visionary activists I have met. We know that to navigate this transition to a new economy, we are going to have to re-design so many of the systems that hold us together. I believe the youthful energies of radical imagination, creativity, and connection are vital to our success.

Hope: At NEC, we never stop believing that another world is possible. And in fact, we believe that many systems built on social and ecological justice already exist. We share these stories with as many people as possible through narrative campaigns to reach hundreds of thousands. These stories sow seeds of hope and the possibility of transformation.

None of this is possible without you. Please consider giving today. Thank you for your courage, your creativity, and your hope. Let’s start a revolution!

In love and struggle,

Sachie Hayakawa




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