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No one can change the world alone: Donate to CommonBound Scholarships Today

Jun 9, 2016 | News & Updates

CommonBound 2016 is fast approaching. With over 100 workshops put together by members and movement leaders from across the U.S. and Canada, it promises to be a time for collaboration and action to take the New Economy movement forward. It’s going to be three days of panels, key-note speakers, and workshops that bring together people with powerful visions of the future.  and wWe want to make sure everyone has a chance to attend.

That’s why we’re asking you to donate to make it happen (OR SOME SUCH–1-2 sentences would be good here explaining the crowdfunding campaign very briefly, incl. That you can donate at any price / the importance of crowdfunding)


Last CommonBound, donations helped over 50% of participants receive need-based scholarships. In 2014, over half of participants were able to attend CommonBound thanks to donations, small and large. Recipients ranged from journalists, to community leaders, to teachers and students– all of whom walked away from the conference inspired and armed with information to take the fight for a better future/message back to their communities

Help us do the same this year.

CommonBound is about charting the course to an economy that works for the planet and the people. Our movement needs the voices of thoseThose who are most deeply impacted by our today’sthe current flawed system to be a central part of this in this vital conversationneed their voices in the conversation. They have solutions to propel this movement forward, but need your help getting to Buffalo  this July.

By donating to CommonBound scholarships, you’re helping make sure/ensure that finances don’t keep someone from taking part in TK.

Geoff Gusoff, a medical student from Philadelphia, received a registration scholarship to attend CommonBound two years ago. While there, he says he made connections to others from the Philly area, learned about the innovative movements going on nationwide. He alsoand gained the confidence to keep pursuing the path to a new economy.

Bearded man holding sign with handwritten testimonial about CommonBound scholarships

“[CommonBound] is an oasis in an economic landscape that is so often barren of models that are both practical and inspiring,” says Geoff.

Scholarships like this help bring new voices into the conversation and they are what make CommonBound such a dynamic cross-section of people. By making a donation to our crowdfunding campaign, you help us ensure no one is left out.

Here’s how far your donations can go:

  • With $45, you’ll pay for one night of housing for one participant.
  • $90 pays for two nights of housing.
  • $150 covers one partial or full travel scholarship.
  • $275 allows us to give one full registration.
  • $550 allows is to give two full registrations.

Donate any amount over $25, and we will send you your choice of one of these two beautiful posters illustrating the best of what a new economy has to offer.

Commonbound is a collaboratively planned conference, shaped by over sixty volunteer coordinators who helped develop the sessions. But that spirit of cooperation goes past the programming. Without participants like Geoff, how would we build a new economy that works for all? Please help us make CommonBound accessible to all, and donate to CommonBound Scholarships today/by June 8th.



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