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Welcome New Members

Oct 17, 2016 | News & Updates

A warm welcome to our nine new coalition members who joined NEC in the last month. Their work ranges from maker-spaces in Connecticut to tool libraries in Toronto and youth-lead cooperatives in Minneapolis. Learn more about all 160+ members here.

Cooperation Jackson— Jackson, Mississippi

Cooperation Jackson is an emerging network of cooperative enterprises and supporting social solidarity institutions based in Jackson, MS. Our aim is to transform Jackson’s economy and social order by building a vibrant local social and solidarity economy anchored by worker and community owned enterprises that are grounded in sustainable practices of production, distribution, consumption and recycling/reuse. Through these enterprises and institutions we aim to produce quality living wage jobs for our community; create sustainable and regenerative productive systems that affirm the life of our community; protect our community from the ravages of climate change; and to respect, protect and fulfill the human rights and human potential of all the residents in our community.

IDEA: Institute for Democratic Education in America— Jackson, Mississippi

IDEA’s mission is mobilizing action to advance meaningful learning and build a more just and sustainable democracy.   IDEA's vision is an engaged, informed, and energized majority that is clear about the role of education in a just society. Where enough people and communities in the U.S. and Puerto Rico have the tools, visions, stories, and strategies to create educational experiences and systems that lead towards young people and nations that are resourceful, equitable, and sustainable. Citizens are active, life-long learners who desire, create and utilize knowledge to improve their lives and their world.

Institute for a Resource-Based Economy— Toronto, Ontario

The Institute for a Resource-Based Economy works at the intersection of economics and the environment by challenging people’s perceptions of ownership and our relationship to the Earth’s resources. IRBE owns and operates all locations of the Toronto Tool Library, as well as the East York Makerspace, and the Sharing Depot – Canada's first Library of Things.

Magic City Agriculture Project— Birmingham, Alabama

Magic City Agriculture Project's mission is to engage in value-based community organizing to reweave the threads of the community, develop sustainable urban agriculture as a solution for economic and food justice, and to dismantle racism.

MAP Growing Green— Buffalo, New York

The mission of the Massachusetts Avenue Project is to nurture the growth of a diverse and equitable local food system and promote local economic opportunities, access to affordable, nutritious food and social change education.

Resource Generation— New York, New York

Resource Generation organizes young people with wealth and class privilege in the U.S. to become transformative leaders working towards the equitable distribution of wealth, land and power.

Spark Makerspace— New London, Connecticut

Spark creates a fun environment for people to learn, tinker, prototype, and play by developing and sharing creative & productive spaces and helping gather people who share interests. Participation in the Spark community is an opportunity to get support & support others in pursuit of igniting the spark within each of us. Spark also makes it easy for people to collaborate on work that directly contributes to the revitalization of New London and beyond.

USA Cooperative Youth Council— National/ Minneapolis

As youth, we strongly believe it is our duty to usher in a newly liberated and cooperative economy that is diverse and united in coalition with social movements for equity and healing.   The purpose of the USA Cooperative Youth Council is to initiate, coordinate, promote, and participate in educational efforts and programs that empower youth to engage in the philosophy and practices of cooperation, especially as they relate to leadership development.

Windsor Workers' Education Centre— Windsor, Ontario

The Windsor Workers’ Education Centre is a community organization of workers, students and activists committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable employment. Our goal is to ensure that all workers have a voice at work and are treated with dignity and fairness. The Workers’ Education Centre enables people to join together to fight for fair employment. People who are directly affected by poor working conditions should be the ones providing leadership in our struggle for fairness and dignity at work.



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